Chip Timer Remover Volunteers
Remove the chip timing devices from the participant’s shoes as they cross the finish line and also assist with other duties around the Start/Finish line as needed.
- Arrive at 6:30am and go directly to the Volunteer tent to check in. You must sign the attendance sheet in order to be eligible for the 2008 Contest. You will then be given a volunteer shirt and directed to go to the Start/Finish line area
- Immediately after the 10K runners start, you will set up the chairs/benches, snippers and buckets to hold the removed timing chips
- Method for removing Chips:
- Runner will place foot on chair, bench and crate
- You will sit opposite the runner
- You will snip the zip tie attached to the chip off their running shoe
- You will place the chip in a chip bucket
- Please remember to congratulate the runner on his / her finish
- Please advise runner to move down Chute and proceed to water / food station
- Once the majority of 10K runners are finished you will remove the chairs/benches, snippers and buckets from the Finish Line area
- CHIPS: once chips have been removed from ALL the 10K participants, they will be delivered immediately to the Chip Timing Company
- All chairs, benches and crates used for chip removal, will be gathered and left in a collective pile for pick-up by Rental Company or loading onto Cube truck
- ALL related garbage – plastic ties, cups, etc that are found in your area must be collected and bagged in garbage bags. Please wear latex gloves when collecting garbage
- All volunteers in this area will work collectively to remove signage, gather garbage, breakdown barricades, etc
- Your job will be finished at 9:30am but we ask that you stay a bit longer to help with the tear-down of the event
Please call your Local Marketing Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your time and participation. The Hbc Run for Canada is very grateful for your support!